HiCom Care: App and Tools

✅ On 4th December 2020, we were announced to become one among 51 other businesses led by women as the winner for the “Boosting Female Founders” initiative. Vietpay project aimed to create a foundation and platform for HiCom Care – NDIS Plan Manager.

✅ The project is two years (from 01 Jan 2021 – 31 December 2022) with the first stage of 6 months has been successfully completed on 30th June 2021. So now, we are thrilled to announce our full launch of the project. Our platform is live on Google Play and App Store for Android and IOS versions.

Furthermore, we also have the desktop version with a dashboard available on our website at: https://hicomcare.com.au/.

✅ Though the project initially aimed to create an app usable for Vietnamese participants only. However, through our innovation process, we developed an ambition for a complex eco-system of apps, desktop dashboards, tools and supporting platforms for participants, support coordinators and service providers.

✅ This system will support a wide range of NDIS participants and service providers in the interest of mutual clients. In the future, we will continue to improve our system to stay up to date with the changes of NDIS and the market’s tendencies.

✅ This is a free system for our participants. It is also free for support coordinators and service providers who have mutual clients with us. Together we can utilize technologies for a better future. This project will have 1.5 years more to go. However, with the system ready built, we have a much greater confidence of success by the end of the journey.

🌻 We could not have achieved so far without the support from our community, trusted networks, families, friends and most importantly, our dear clients. Thanks so much to everyone who has been a part of this wonderful journey💚💜❤️.


HiCom Care - NDIS Plan Manager

NDIS Plan Manager

Highly Committed Plan Management Service

Email: [email protected]


Accounting 👉 https://hicomaccounting.com.au/

NDIS Plan Manager 👉 https://hicomcare.com.au/


Accounting 👉 https://www.facebook.com/hicomaccounting

NDIS Plan Manager 👉 https://www.facebook.com/hicomcarendis (English page)


👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/ndisbusinessownersinvictoria


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